Petrified Wood Hunting

September 10, Sunday, PST

Today we headed off to a local church: Calvery Chapel of Holbrook.  They were a small church that is in a building that used to be a bar.  Seems like a decent group of people and their heart is in the right place.  But there was just no passion in the worship or the service in general.  They are struggling.

We then headed down to a store in Holbrook called Jim Grey Petrified Wood.  We had heard about it on the Just Ahead app, so decided to stop.  They had just about every type of stone there you could think of.  Some were a bit pricey, so we decided to move on.  The girls might come back another day.

From there, we headed off on some back highways looking for washes, or arroyos, in which some petrified wood might have washed down during a flash flood.  After about 2 hours of that and coming up empty-handed, we decided to head back for the RV.

We did get back to the RV to see a rainbow (and rain off the in the distance).

And then the girls made Grammie Beth’s dip.

We lounged for the afternoon, and I caught a nice sunset.

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