The Top Ten Living People I Would Like To Meet

Seth Godin.  Author.  Marketing guru.  Leader.  This man thinks more outside the box than anyone I have ever read about.  He makes me want to be a marketer (and I work with computers).  His creativity is wonderful, and he is fantastic at getting you to look at things from a different perspective.

John Eldredge.  Author, “Wild At Heart”.  This book did more to change my life and my Christian walk than any other book, outside of the Bible.  He speaks to a man’s core needs, core values, and helps us to realize what some (not all) of our problems are.  Truly a gifted writer and speaker.

Nathan Fillon.  Actor.  OK, I don’t have many actors on this list (only two), but after seeing this guy in Firefly, Serenity, and Castle, how can you not love him?  He sense of humor just makes me wonder if he’s also like that in real life.  Just sayin’……

Bill Gates.  Founder, Microsoft.  Philanthropist.  Seriously, how could you not want to meet (a) one of the richest men in the world, (b) one of the men who changed technology in this world as we know it, and (c) loves to donate to libraries.  Love him or hate him, he is a visionary.  (Disclaimer: if Steve Jobs were still alive, he would be on this list as well.  But this is a list of people “living”)

The Pope.  Patriarch of the Catholic Church.  Now, I’m not a part of the big “C” faith, but anyone who rises to this level within the church should be paid attention to.  I don’t even care which pope is currently on tap.  It’s just such a different world that I can’t even imagine.  My curiosity just gets the better of me.

Stephen King.  Author.  Philanthropist.  The first serious author I read growing up was this guy.  The Stand.  Christine.  Four Past Midnight.  You name it, I read it.  As soon as a new book came out, I grabbed it up.  Anyone who has a mind this twisted, I would love to meet.  And he’s still cranking out books.  And he’s from Maine.  And he also donates to libraries.  (I have a soft spot for libraries, if you didn’t notice)

Prince William.  Royalty.  Heir to the throne of England.  William (to me) really represents the entire royal family to my generation.  I would love to meet any of them.  But, if I had to pick one, it would be him.  If anyone lasts on the throne, it will probably be William.  Although, my bet is that the Queen Mum makes it past 100.

Robert Morris.  Pastor.  Founder of Gateway Church.  Outside of John Eldredge, this man’s teaching on finance and the power of the words you speak have had the most impact on my Christian walk.  It would be an honor to meet this gifted man.

Robin Williams.  Comedian.  Actor.  Man, no one makes me laugh more and harder than this guy.  His standup is quick and cerebral, and although he can be slightly foul-mouthed at times, there’s no denying that this guy is talented.  (Need to move this to a different page.  😦 )

Billy Joel.  Musician.  Songwriter.  The lyrics and songs that this musical genius puts forward is nothing short of amazing.  And he writes classical music.  I can proudly say I have all of his CDs (and I used to be able to play Streetlife Serenade on the piano, if I do say so myself.)  His words are smart, every melody is different, and for an average guy from New York, he does some pretty cool stuff now and then.  Like this.

2 Responses to The Top Ten Living People I Would Like To Meet

  1. Pingback: Top Ten (Living) People | Milewski Blog

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