Glacier National Park (Day 2) and Father’s Day

June 18, Sunday, MST

We let the girls sleep in a bit today; partly because of the hike yesterday, and partly because we were going to be biking today.  C made french toast for breakfast (my favorite), and then we headed off to church.

Canvas Church in Kalispell.  It was very enjoyable.  Worship was fun, the people were down to earth, and the pastor, Kevin Greer, reminded me of Kevin James.  His message was about Moses and the burning bush.  If you can imagine Kevin James as Moses, then you know what I’m talking about.0

When church was finished, outside the church were a bunch of food trucks setup for Father’s Day.  We all had different items, but A and I got burgers from the Mudman Burgers food truck.  It was doggone good.  Not as good as the 7 Napkin Burger in Owl’s Head, ME but the best one we’ve had on this trip.  A nice treat for Father’s Day.  I could get used to this church.

We left and stopped by the RV to change and get our bikes loaded up, and headed into Glacier National Park again.  On the drive up, we passed a sign which said that the Avalanche Trail (which we hiked yesterday) was closed today due to bear activity.  <audible groan from my wife>  So much for the bear hunt.

We found a parking space right near the front, and I put my blinker on to turn in (as traffic was coming the other way), and a truck coming from the other direction took it.  I was “unimpressed”.  We continued on and ended up finding a parking space in a camping loop that was closed so that people could park.  We got out, hit the restrooms, unloaded the bikes and we were off.

The scenery was just beautiful.  We wouldn’t have seen as much if we had simply driven up this road.

We made it up as far as we could (when the road started to get pretty steep) and then we turned back.  It was pretty cold up were we were, and it was good we headed back when we did as we were all getting cold.  All told, we biked about 12 miles (6 up and 6 down).  Pretty impressive.

We headed back down to the RV again.

The plan was to have our filet mignon from TX for dinner.  Unfortunately, the water was out when we got back to the camper.  We could have done it, but it would have made it more difficult.  We opted to do them another night and just have leftovers tonight.  I called my dad to wish him a happy Father’s Day and see what was going on in Maine.

Bed for the girls (and us) due to the big day today.

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